Section 01


My strength is my own. I won't let you take it...

At First Glance

A Veena approaches you; she’s much smaller than any Viera you’ve seen. Standing only a bit taller than the smallest Miqo’te, she looks up at you with crystal-clear violet eyes that seem lit from within. Framed by dark lashes and complimentary soft eyeshadow, this tiny thing crosses her arms, causing her black and white ponytail to sway slightly.Her tall, fluffed ears twitch as they remain tucked back against her head. Her lips quirk upwards into a slight smirk, and you get the sense that, while tiny, she can and will destroy you quickly. Her body is coiled but relaxed; she’s trained in combat and ready to pounce should she need it.Her clothing is dark colors and simple patterns, made to move in without hindrance. Regardless, the playful spark in her eyes has put you at ease. Maybe to your own detriment?


Eyes: Violet/Crystal (Glows at certain times like high emotions or combat)Hair: Black with white highlightsSkin: Light BronzeHeight: 5’ 3 1/2”Ears: Black base with white tips, tufted at the top and longDistinctive Markings: Traditional black markings down her nose and chin. Tattoos of the moon in reverence to her patron Goddess Menphina rest beneath her breasts and down her spine.Wardrobe: Usually prefers darker colors with a lot of accessories.


Vea can be difficult to get to know at first. Her past has taught her caution with others, and she’s built a wall that can be impossible to break down. She’s quiet and shy, preferring to watch and listen than to be in the middle of the group. Because of her upbringing, she can be awkward. Try to look past this to the ball of anxiety underneath. She only needs some reassurance.She prefers to speak when she has thought her words out and wishes to with intent. Small talk goes nowhere with her, so don’t even try.Once you’ve earned her trust, Vea is unshakeable in her loyalty and love. She will go to the ends of the world and back if you need her to. She is an ally to treasure, and she’ll be there for you through thick and thin.Do not betray her, however, for you will lose her forever. She will never trust you again, and her heart will close itself off. Depending on the strength of the double-cross, you may even find yourself at the end of a gleaming scythe.